About Project
A cigar industry veteran collabrated with VG INFOTEC to design social media platform for cigar lovers where all walks of cigar lovers share experiences and get to know more about various cigar flavours and places.
Cigar lovers can join and social media platform and provide valuable insights and expertise about the needs and preferences of cigar enthusiasts.
Provide guidance on content
Assist with outreach and marketing
Help with moderation
Project Information
- Date: 13 Mar, 2018
- Webite: Social media website for Cigar Lovers
- Project Features
- Solution
- Result
Project Features
Here are some technical specifications and features that might be included in a social media website for cigar lovers:
- User registration and login
- Profile customization
- Posting and sharing
- Commenting, like and re-share
- City Groups and forums
- Private messaging
- Event listings
- Product listings and reviews
- Security and privacy
A social media website with user panel, admin panel and moderator panel.
- Membership for social media lovers
- Exclusive offers for members
- City based cigar groups and Community building
- Promotons and Offers of events and cigar sales
Here are some possible benefits and results:
- Increased engagement and community building
- Enhanced knowledge and understanding
- Improved access to events and resources such as cigar lounges, tastings, and festivals.
- Increased cigar sales and revenue
- Improved customer loyalty and retention